Startbahn Cert. strategically rebranded to Startrail PORT.
Overview and Background
Startbahn operates Startrail, a sustainable and scalable blockchain infrastructure that assures the reliability, authenticity, and traceability of works in the art and creative industries. In addition, we also provide “Startbahn Cert.”, a suite of products that are built upon Startrail.
Under this rebranding effort, the “Startbahn Cert.” name, design, and brand will be further streamlined under the Startrail brand as Startrail PORT. As the name implies, the “PORT” in Startrail PORT highlights our vision for this product to play a vital role in facilitating and meeting the dynamic needs in blockchain infrastructure in the space.
Blockchain certificate "Cert." renamed
Up till now, “Cert.” has been the name of our digital certificate of authenticity with its information stored in the NFT "Startrail Registry Record (SRR)", issued on Startrail.. With this rebranding, the name SRR will replace "Cert." in order to simplify and reinforce the brand of Startail-issued NFTs.
Redesigned NFC tags
In line with this change, the NFC tag – which is designed to prevent any discrepancy between the distribution of a physical work, such as a painting or sculpture, and its information recorded in its NFT on Startrail – will be redesigned with the new "Startrail PORT" logo. Since there will be no change in the functionality itself, the previous designed tags that have already been purchased and issued can still be used as before.
▼ For more detail about the rebranding