To create Contract Terms, prepare a PDF containing the Contract Terms you wish to set up and submit it to the Startrial PORT Support Team along with the registration information for the Startrail Registry Record (SRR) you wish to issue. After you submit the PDF, it will be linked in the Draft SRR for your review.
Format of Contract Terms
The accepted data format for Contract Terms is PDF. You may create your own Contract Terms or use the template provided by Startrail PORT as a basis for your own. The support team will share the template of Contract Terms with you when you create your first Draft SRR.
When the ownership status of a work or SRR changes, the current owner is responsible for explaining and seeking agreement to the Contract Terms to the next owner.
The person who sets the Contract Terms for a work is the issuer of the SRR.
- Only the artist himself/herself or the primary issuer who has received approval from the artist to set the Contract Terms can create and upload Contract Terms to an SRR. If this is not the case, the work's Contract Terms cannot be set.
- Primary issuers are understood as primary market operators who manage artists’ works, such as primary galleries.
If a primary issuer other than the artist himself/herself wishes to create Contract Terms, please be sure they obtain approval for creating Contract Terms from the artist himself/herself.
- If one of the jointly-named artists of an artist collective wishes to create Contract Terms for example, approval must be obtained from the other artist(s).
- If one of the jointly-named artists of an artist collective wishes to create Contract Terms for example, approval must be obtained from the other artist(s).
Steps to Set Up Contract Terms
This section describes the procedure for setting up Contract Terms using the Startrail PORT template. The content and procedure will vary depending on the person setting up the Contract Terms.
- Procedure when the author** sets up the terms and conditions
- Procedures for primary publishers** to set up their own terms and conditions
Procedures for setting up Contract Terms with the Artist Himself/Herself as the SRR Issuer
⚠️ Create only the Startrail PORT template "Form A".
*The contents of Form A will be published in the SRR Viewer with a link to the form.
*The signature of the applicant will be replaced by an e-signature process at the time of SRR issuance, so it is not necessary to fill in the attached PDF "Form B".
*This is also the case when a jointly-named artist or a member of an artist collective sets the Contract Terms.
Fill in the required information according to the "to do comment" inserted in Form A. 2.
Change the file name to [creation_date_author_name_work_conventions_jp]
Select PDF format from [File] > [Download] and download the file.
Upload the file to the "Contract Terms" folder in the Google Drive folder shared with you by the Startrail Port’s Support Team
Notify your Support Team that you are ready to proceed
Procedures for Primary Issuer to set Contract Terms as the SRR Issuer
⚠️ Create two Startrail PORT template forms "Form A" & "Form B" for each artist.
*The contents of Form A will be public with a link displayed in the SRR viewer.
*The contents of Form B will not be made public. (The contents of Form B will be kept private and stored within Startrail PORT in accordance with our privacy policy).
Fill in the required information according to the "to do comment" inserted in Form A. 2.
Change the file name to [creation_date_author_name_work_conditions_jp]
Share Form A and Form B with the artist and request his/her signature on Form B in order to get the artist's approval for the Contract Terms
Get a sharable link to the Google Drive folder which contains this instruction manual and templates for Forms A and B
Please be sure to indicate to the artist which works and Contract Terms they are signing the agreement to. The work entered in the spreadsheet for the preparation of the Draft SRR will be considered for the Contract Terms. We will leave the method of presentation up to you, such as sharing the above spreadsheet with the artist or creating a separate list.
Confirm that all forms have been created and uploaded to Google Drive and notify the Startrail PORT’s Support Team that they are ready.
💡 Tips for obtaining author signatures
To obtain a signature on a printed Form B
Click on the printer symbol below to view the print settings for easy printing.
After getting the signature directly on the output Form B, you can easily convert the scanned JPG or PNG data to PDF format by using the following service.
When getting a signature with an electronic signature
Using Docusign, an electronic signature service linked with Google, you can easily request electronic signatures and sign documents on Google Docs.
If you already using a different e-signature software, that is fine. We will accept the PDF with the artist’s electronic signature.
How to use Docusign with Google Docs: