How Crypto Wallets Work
A wallet service functions like a bank account used to send, receive, and manage crypto assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Crypto assets reside on the blockchain, but owned crypto assets are accessible through wallets.
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) likewise exist on the blockchain, but owned NFTs are accessible through wallets.
There are two keys in the wallet, called the "public key" and the "private key”. The "public key" can be shared publicly, like a bank account number or email address, and is used to receive cryptographic assets and NFTs. On the other hand, the "private key" acts like a password that should not be shared with anyone and is used to access, manage, and transfer cryptographic assets and NFTs in your possession. Wallet services store these private keys to make crypto assets and NFTs secure and accessible. It is also the window into the blockchain world.
Crypto Wallet and Startrail PORT
Startrail PORT supports Torus and MetaMask.
With Torus, you can manage your wallet with a Google account or an email address and password, in the same way you create an account with a traditional web service, without the complexities of creating a wallet and managing a private key to access it.
If you already have MetaMask, you can create an account by linking it to your existing MetaMask account.
NFTs issued by Startrail, or Startrail Registry Record(SRR), can also be issued, transferred, and received through crypto wallets.